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April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
May 2007
July 2007


Thursday, January 26, 2006

somehow i decided to write a proper entry. one that looks really classy. like many lines, not just one liners. for a change. recently, ive been feeling really stupid. dumb. irritated. sad. crazy. stupid. dumb. hopeless. for very obvious reasons. yea. and SERVE's been really emotionally stirring. Rob Francis. tsk tsk. definitely emotionally wrecking for some, i guess.

then there's REV Barry, he's kinda good, and a little funny. somehow he made alot of sense. about making the right choices in life. about how the choices we make in life has nothing to do with us, but EVERYTHING to do with honouring God. about how the christians were in the past. how whenever people spat on them, persecuted them, mocked them, stoned them, tortured them, they'd still say, " God bless you" . how christians would Glorify God, and everybody or anybody you ask, they would surely know that christians are good people. WHY? cos christians help people, to honour God. to be like JESUS. but buddhists help people cos they wanna reach nirvana. strange isnt it.

and people like us, we have to be set apart! different from the world. we have to live SO differently that the world hates us. its true. displaying the love of GOD. our ALMIGHTY GOD. and once again, im reminded so clearly that if I really loved my God, id do anything for him. really really really. its such a simple theory. but once it comes to doing what we preach, we falter. the theory becomes to complex. in a moment of anger, when our parents are unreasonable, we try to swallow our anger. but then, the more they instigate us, the stronger the burning of anger we feel. what kinda christians are we? we have broken the fifth commandment. and then what's worst, we go on the curse them. how awful and inhumane can we be! there's so many other things we do.

my bad words are almost gone. ALMOST. in times of deep frustration, i used to think that the only last possible way i would be able to feel better,the only way i could release any drop of angst i had in me, was to SHOUT just ONE word only. be it bi t c h. or f. or whatever. its just only this ONE POINT NIGHTY NINE HUNDRED PERCENT in me. it happens only like the most five times a year. or so? yea well. frankly, its not even what I should be doing. terribly ashamed of myself.

REV Barry said today, with your mouth you honour God, and with you mouth, YOU GLORIFY GOD. and with the SAME mouth, you curse and swear, HOW CAN THAT BE?!

precisely. how can that be! ive learnt so much in SERVE, i dont think i wanna go back to the stubbon selfpleasing ways in life. i love GOD, i love the people he's given me. I love my friendships, and may it last forever.

Matthew 7:21 the verse that is ever so clear, ever so precise. the message is crystally portrayed.

in times like this. spirtual warfare and all that, that would happen, people will sell their souls, in exchange for short term pleasure- on earth, and loose their citizenship in heaven. sounds scary, but its true. spiritual warfare is such a scary thingg... i think.

oh wells, on a really lighter note, im going bankok in like 7 hours (: really excited to shop. swim, RELAX. but once again, my bro's not coming with us. i have to buy super ALOT of things for my serve mates and BEST FRIENDS. who are like SO demanding. NOT. X) so afraid i lack of bahts. and the weirdest thing my father said too me. " lets go there and buy lots of colgate. really cheap."

my goshhhh. my father. is. totally. beyond. HOPE. but its okay. at least i have something to roll my eyes about, (: and wanli! at dinner today, she put _ (heartshape) A. with her tao gay!

SO EMBARASSING! good think i smack the tao gay in time! and GEORGIEEE. he made my pic into a joker pic! like. - nothing to say ready. too lame. too funny. so yea. i'll be missing you guys! (:


5:04 PM

im done

Saturday, January 21, 2006

i will dance i will sing to be mad for my king
nothing lord is hindering the passion in my soul
i will dance i will sing to be mad for my king
nothing lord is hindering the passion in my soul


fusion was a blast.
i am gonna go for ONEcamp this year.I DONT CARE.
today, i received the killer grin .
made me go gooey, dreamy and wharteva.

fusion was great. seeing uncle veggie and all!
he's still retardart! I LIKE.
annabelle's pregnant! (:
ultra ultra cool.
budden, AMOS, TINSLEY, NANA, EVERYBODY pungseh us!
however, good thing birthday boy went.
i gave him his gift and took a few pictures! yay. hahaha


went to church after serve,
got out attachment/ job ready.
me matt and dan are gonna organise, ONE DAY.
the mission camp stuff for TRAC YOUTHS.
how fun!
i mean seriously, plann games, plann stuff.
it seems like fun!
too bad i cant go help tins teach those lovable kidds, but one cant have the best of both worlds, i supposed.

so yupp, now i dont have my mons off anymore.
and it sucks that its already a month.
so sad there's only ONE month left of SERVE.
i wishh it'll last like for another 10 months!
mannn, obviously i miss est and yushu and ka, cos its a totally diff world here.
i wished its us netballers, toget.
all the nonsence and stuff.

today i drop a choc egg into jac's bottle.
for fun! cos if i did it to quack quack, she'd just laugh her ass off (:
i hope i didnt make jac mad.

11:09 PM

im done

Friday, January 20, 2006

what a fun week!
had our practice for st marg's chapel on wed.
we danced quite a bit, played the ROCK game, laughed at george's jokes,

weds night, was spent at suntec.
long process how dan me and tins ended up there.
since we were there, we went to the theatre, hopping to catch geisha.
but there was no show times for that.
so we watched triple by a dozen 2. oh wharteva its called.
kinda OKAY show, but its totally not worth 8 bucks lar. DUH.
den after the movie, tins realised he dropped his mp3.
so we went to look for it. I FOUND IT! (:
saved him three-hundred-and forty nine bucktos i think?
had carls jr. for dinner.
my gosh.
so much food, so much fun. awesome time. WELL SPENT.

reached home just in time for my 9 o clock show!
ann kok is a major hissy kissy fissy wicked old hag.
she's so evil, i dont like her anymore.
oh wells.
after the show, stayed up to do stuff, slept late.

thus- had grp time at wanli's house.
we played pool, streetfighter against X MAN. (can u believe GIRLS play that!)
and all the instruments and sing sing sing!
george is such a lousy pool teacher. like totally can not make it.
and i was his partner, all he did was call my name! and ask me to anyhow whack.
OH WELLS. i had fun having him as my partner (:
pool was really fun, but it still doesnt change my concept on pool houses.

ANYWAY, on fri, matt wanli, dan, joan i, went to marine parade for lunch together.
matt was hilarious!
ivan left his umbrella in the shaw hall, and matt had to take it for him.
so they were like playing with the umbrella. ultra funny.
and matt started doing EXTREME stunts in the small field.
retardart stuff. the umbrella sure brought ALOT of laughter.

after lunch, we went to kren's house.
my goshh. i've never ever seen such a cool cool place!
it was so lovely.
there, matt and dan played pool.
and after awhile, we watched SAW.
while kren slept.

was sucha gruesome show, but not bad plot.
some images scenes just freaked me out.
we left at like 6 ,cos kren was going for R E V E L A T I O NS.
went to meet tins at 7. he was late. duhh.
i bought jestyn's present then,
and tins bought the sonicflood's generation album.
he had dinner, then we went to buy his cologne.

after that, ran home to watch the 9 o clock show!
this morn, went to make my ATM CARD. yay!
feels like ive just taken another step towards freedomhood.

I CANT WAIT. ive been waiting for a whole year for this! (:
supposed to go stay over at gen's after fusion, but i guess my parents arent happy.
cos they gave me this whole speech about my house, and that it wasnt a hotel.

ohh yea; im loving it (:

10:39 PM

im done

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

wow. i had a blast today.
joan's like a blast! (: ive never had this much laughter in a zillion years.
joan and karen went and tied my sweater so tightly.
karen must've an obessession with strings, or smth.

reminds me of the crappy things yushu, beh, cass and i did! whhhaaalllao. i miss doing the times when we did stupid things and crazy things and called each other our beloved names. YUSHU = stupid ass, putty puncess, MAGIKAPP. tantan. yuyu. WHATEVER!
babe beh and cass = behllaku and ka and whatever nonsence i can think of. (:
i really love my partner YUYU. she calls me an ASS too. everything she says makes you laugh like SHITTAKAE MUSHROOM. crapp.
well. SERVE's also alot of fun. hahahaha. my group laughs SO loudly, crapps SO much,
and yea. we're called HELLO PANDAs. how is that linked to the bible; guess guess guess.

wanlichengMIMI,georgeof theJUNGLE,esther ONE and TWO,sharon,gerrydine. JACORONI. xiaoyang. tintin. jan. ROCKS. rocks rocks.

cant think of anything else to say but check this out, courteousy of gerrydine!

7:15 PM

im done

Friday, January 13, 2006

this is what we do almost everyday.

there's joan, instructing dan to PUSH TINSLEY.
its so fun being squashed to the wall.! everyday that happens, the unsuspecting victim!
its more fun if u see it live! hahahaha.

5:21 PM

im done

ok i decided to put this as another post cos if its together,
it'll be sooOOooo long, and kinda boring.

this post is supposed to be about life now.
im playing keyboard for now. for the mission trip i think.
and im supposed to go for audition?????
for worship in church.
so funnaye.
and ive been doing lots of stuff.
dan and i and matt, might go on a mission trip in march.
well who knows.

yupp. i love my group. its so funnaye. i hope we bond more.
and THANKS to MATTHEW. im now affectionately known as
so eeiiiyaaarrr.
the way they call it, like BEAR NET.
so weird. everyone calls me a bear net.
they even shorten it to ben, or bah.

i love matt's prada bag (:

oh yea. i went to see royston yesterday with dan.
he was like so weak.
and to have a tube shuft in ur body like SO PAINFUL.
i pray he'd be okay! no need the opp.


1:28 PM

im done

I must say, i really love life in SERVE.

but i think i say it every other day.
aunty winnie says i look supper happy. like overflowing with joy or smth.

its like you learn so much! so so much.
about my faith. my god. my master. the almighty one.
we were supposed to come up with a list of what's God's character today.
and like grp by grp, u were supposed to share.
our group decided to be SMART the second time round, and we said indescribable.
and rev norman was like.

" God cant be indescribable, you guys just listed down so many words. (: "

which was absolutely true.
indescribable cos God's so great, magnificent and wise, and we'll never be able to just stop there.
in the end, our list was like ULTRA longg.
but well. lesson learnt. (:

once i was asked this question, that shook my faith like crazy.
i was ashamed.
but now, we're asked SO many questions, i just wished they'd throw more.
unbelievable stuff i tell you.
ONE thing great is that if anyone tries to question the bible,
let miss AMANDA tell you one thing.

the bible alone doesnt explain where our faith stands. Jesus, is the clearest picture of what we know what God is like. God is therefore so real. so so real, Jesus said, I AM the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father execpt through me.

he didnt say THIS IS.

get the difference?
Jesus is the ONLY way, the ONLY truth, and the ONLY life.
and by Jesus's coming to earth, he became our permanent high priests.
so if there wasnt Jesus, well, i dont even wanna think about it.

but well, let me leave you with something.
there's this phrase, " the deeper you love someone, the MORE the person can hurt you."
im sure some would agree with it.
its kinda true.

but has it ever occurred to any of us, that by sinning, we're hurting god so deeply?

12:16 PM

im done

Sunday, January 08, 2006

gna's back from korea!
and i noticed she looks like that girl from glass shoes! the little sister.
i think its cos her cheeks were like redder!
so that made her look like that KOREAN GIRL!
then again, my eyes might be a little cocked.

had alot of fun today!
i missed mojo and daff and everyone else..
seeing everybody in church after such a LONG time,
felt great!
its really sweet how you guys have given me chrismassy-stuff when i havent got you any!
darn, i wished i got to spend christmas in spore!
thanks abby, john, dan, veen, gna, ship!
cool stuff (:

i really really love the friendships that have been formed throughout my life in bmc.
and i thank God for all of them!

and there was blood donation today.
dan donated, leslie asked us to go see,
me and gna did go see, but we were behind the door.
only saw daniel, and not his blood!
but we didnt expect them to ask us to donate!
i almost fainted at the thought.
they were like. "16 ready right?! can can!
cummon donate donate larrr."

i think i seriously would faint.
so scary.
imagine the globs of gooey red blood..
i respect my daddy even more after today!
cos he donates SO much blood, his name is on the blood bank tree (:
i dont think i can ever be like him!

i havent finish ezekiel yet. sigh.

is it just me or does everybody seem to think she's very irritatingly perfectly annoying?

5:43 PM

im done

Friday, January 06, 2006

sch's been great (:
really really great. sch's just started and i feel its the best thing that's ever happened in life.
first time i can remember everything the speaker(teacher) has ever said.
first time i didnt dream!

first day was really really funny.
we played this squirrel forest game we played in sch once.
then ailing asked us to hurry up form the 3,
namely 2 trees holding hands, and a squirrel.
and before anything could happen, matthew said
" i wanna be the squirrel!"
and squat down in betwn me and dan!
it was so hilarious! i was laughing non-stop cos matthew look really funny, in that position!

that game led us to form many friendships (:
other than that there were other games too.
but the most significant one was that squirrel forest game.
and that day, we really got to know each other.
bings was rambling non-stop.
like. WHAO. haahahahah. retardart talk.
and i met a TANAMOS look-alike. named, TINSLEY TAN.
so coincidental. both from the same clan.

yea well. we formed great friendships that day, the following and i hope more in the days to come.
it was really great that the Lord's divine plans were so perfect and excellent!
i realised that matthew was really really funny.
he's like calling me bennett now. whats new.
another one who makes fun of my name.

den there's judy,shijia,wanli, karen,jac, joan
cool ppl. went for lunch with all of them, and matthew and dan and mingyang.
cool cool awesome fun.

i love the lectures, they're so useful, purposeful.
i wished SERVE was smth that would be forever, until the day i die.
withjestyn popping by occasionally (:
its the best thing ever.
ive learn so much.
i'll post more soon.
really really really tired thou.
my homework was to present on ezekiel!
my gosh, i totally dont understand a single thing!
i have to get it done by monday.

cool huh?
boy is it good stuff.

5:18 PM

im done

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

sch starts tmr for me!
weird date but oh wells,
hahaha. im excited excited excited.
feels like theres ants in my pants or smth.

im kinda sad that my parents cant make it for the inaugaration,
but im really delighted that grace, gen, andrew and josh are coming!
gen and grace can make everything like super lively?
i dunch know.
but im really excited. jestyn's coming too XXXXX)

well im meeting dan earlier tmr.
i hope i dont make him wait to long in the BLISTERING sun.
and well well, what would you have, but my sch's in st andrew's village!
near babe beh and daffy!
how cool is that! if either of us get lost, we'd just be a shouting distance away?
i supposed.
i bet that babe of mine would surely get lost!
its a village after all (:

listen to paper angels by jimmy wayne.
really soothing. really helpful (:
no matter where u are right now, remember god's right there.


OH. and i just had my dentist visit today.
the dentist said i have taken TOO much sweets!
so please, help me out yea?


3:38 PM

im done

Monday, January 02, 2006

its the year 2 thousandth and six already.
many things both great and rocking have happened.
life has proved worthy after all.
as we anticipated our future,
we were quite blind not to notice how fast it could crash in our faces

our dreaded exams ARE over.
how some of us wish so badly we could do it all over again.
im happy for my friends who've gone to their chosen schs.
est daffy. (:

i just have to trust god in everything now.
my results, my family, my life, my friendships.
pastor joel says they are all gifts. from God.

i really wonder where id be going.
will there be yushu? (:
there wont be est. its kinda weird really.
we've been together since like P1.

its been 10 years.
and the world ; as ive learn from many, is evil.
selfish. and horrible.

but then again, there's always a happy 2006.

12:47 PM

im done

Sunday, January 01, 2006

I LOVE PUTTY YUSHU'S christmas? present!
a patrick from ameeerreeeka.

such a fat thing. (:
est says he needs a tummy tuck. i beg to differ.
i love fat and cute and retardart things. (X
its like the ultimate present from yushu!
i love it i love it iloveit!

notice the red spots on him?
looks like he has chiken pox or smth.
est says starfishes have smth like that?
for one. yushu says patrick looks more like a pig then a starfish. ahahaha.
but i love pigs. and another added to my collection of pigssssss.

i love piying's god he reigns too!
everything's simply been amazing. really.

10:17 AM

im done