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April 2005
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December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
May 2007
July 2007


Saturday, July 21, 2007

happy birthday wonny ((: uve been a truly great friend! mmmhmmm! wise and all!

its cool how u live opposite me, and super hilarious how you always think id be a peeping tom WHEN THERE'S THIS HUGE TREE THAT COVERS YOUR WINDOW! i'll always remember your lamo words and how i'd always laugh at wadever u say! (: its really cool now ure seventeen. hahaha. i thank you for all the time you took the spend with me when i was back though you were busy yourself! will miss you loads! love you boy!

9:48 PM

im done

Monday, May 14, 2007


you guys actually visited this old hangout! :) ive moved!
no more cows! cos i think we've had enough of them huh!

hey love;

pop on by then!(:

11:02 PM

im done

Sunday, January 28, 2007

ahhh. (: long due post of what happened before i left OUR LITTLE RED HOME. oh and this blog would still be around, the other one is more of life in aussie, so my

family can read too, mmmhmm.

anyway, JONJON came from msia for the newyear! so we hungout while he was still here! gohpah came down too! we went to vivo. where we checked out the ship that docked where dear doulos had perviously docked. BARNEY ROCKS SEE! :D i used to like barney alot when i was a kid! and i think caleb has good taste :)) anyway! i had a blast that day! had a long car ride back home with gohpah! told him about the boy-friend talk mummy wanted to give me, that i refuse to hear cos it gave me the hibbiejibbies! godpah says i should let her talk about it, if not it'll be like gek sai like that! hah!

so anyway anyway, the 3rd pic' s of
some LOUSY potato (fart-like smelling) thing from sakae! when for last dinner with min and wonny! argg. i thought it was nice, cos the one i ate in thailand was GOOD. BUT! oh wells! that night was really cool too! driel and min and i. ate alot i think?

THE WHOLE 2nd row sums up all my photos with driel! i dont really have any normal ones with him! its all either really blurry, cos id laugh really really hard when taking pictures, or, like those up there. weird and spastic and crazy.
we finally took a normal one the day i left.

AND the last row's of course- of the last sunday with min. mmhmmmmmmm. good ole days of such fun and laughter! and ship life , RHHHH>

the weekend after min left was fusion workshops and AHH. we see sopphaye in the picture. (:

guess what happened that day! i find it so idiotic! seriously! after lunch, debs and i were like so ummm, in our own world right, the rest of them were so slow behind us. so we took the escaltor up, by the time we reached the 2nd floor, they were still quite far behind, like they just got on the escalator. we didnt realise that THAT was our floor, and continued taking the ULTRA LONG escalators up to the convention halls! WE ONLY REALISED NONE OF THEM WERE BEHIND US WHEN WE REACHED THE 6 floor!

super idiotic! they saw us getting on the wrong escalator and never call out to us! maybe john did, but i dunno why he didnt call out any louder!

anyway! i asked glenn, WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US!

and he was like, " do
you know HOW LONG that escalator is not!"


it was really hilariouse, and dumb, but whallao, the escalator was SO LONG lar. and they just let us ride it like dumbdumbs):

ANYWAY, the rest left after workshops. so it was just the 5 of us! driel went home to sleep, daff, prolly mug, jake to his eric clapton concert. korkor had to leave half way through our HUGE brainstorming process, because the dancers needed his help.

so it was just sophayee candycanes and debdebs and i!

fantabulous dinner! debs got high. like seriously. she's really cute and funny, and she giggled and laugh! hahahah. was so funny seeing her high :D

so anyway, met up with graciepoo on monday, then little darius, then stayed home with mummy and daddy, on tues. went out for tea/lunch/dinner, with onion on weds. HOKKIEN MEE, and sugar water. TSK TSK. thurs was spent doing i cant remember what in the morn, and then i went down to town to get the stuff i reserved for wonny and debs, and then MRT-ed to ps, MANHATTAN FISH MARKET! awesome awesome time there! sik came! :D and mojo did too! and i thank god for everybody who came! was a really cool time, and jasper was SO LAME. omg.

and sik, I PROMISE (cos i cant swear) i promise i was really doing that cock eye thing! hoenest to death! you always think i cheat you and dont do it with you! but my eyes SO SMALL, that's why u cant see! YOU GOTTA ZOOM! haha!

and grace's boyfriend is so cute! LOOK! he was imitating us after sik and i did that fish face, IF BESTFRIEND EVER SEES THESE PICTURES, it'll be really good! cos he said i only have one face when i take pictures. THE AMANDA GRIN. arrrrrrrr.

androoo looks so cute! ahahahaha like some primary 2 boy! cant imagine he's gonna finish 5 years of uni ready! POWER MAN!

ok! enuff for now! gonna go off! sailing day and other pics another time then!

12:35 PM

im done

Thursday, January 18, 2007


makes me wanna stand on the mountain top and just shout it out to the whole world!
guess who i just found out is in perth! i thought she was in melbourne, but NA-AH!


im so frickin excited now. she's staying so near my sch, and she even offered to let me stay with her :D COOL OR WHAT! and she told me she can help me with sch! and all that! SO EXCITING! SO SO EXCITING! she even knows of a job i can take! AWESOME AWESOME STUFF! and she's in OCF too! DWAY told me his cousin's there, and he asked me to joined OCF haha. with his cuzzie (:

i feel so blessed! first God provided petrina, who's been a major help!

then there was jeremy, the guy who thought me A LITTLE of what playing piano in contemp music was like, with kren. WHEN I WAS IN SEC 1. so amazing he remembers me! and he told me to call him, and his girlfriend if i needed anything.

things are looking so much better now. more reasons to stay in perth popping out from under the huge ole oak tree! will see where GOD leads, and WHEEE. JUDE'S STUDYING Psychology too! neuro smth smth. THE BRAIN. she asked me to join her bible study group. i rmb during SERVE, kren and her bible knowledge was like the mind-blowing kind!


72 hours till im flying off!

told my cg on sunday i was feeling homesick already, and i thankgod for all the days i got to spend at home with mummy, watching sappy dramas, and slapstick humor shows.

( DID YOU ALL WATCH GIRLS ALOUD?! THAT GUY IS MADD! HE THOUGHT HE HAS THIS metal strip/ball in him to protect him from bullets! cos there's this like black thing under his skin. on his left arm, where his biceps, or rather, FATS were. yea. he claims that metal thing in his arm would move at the speed of whatever, to wherever the person was gonna shoot you. like it could SENSE. and so xiaxue aim this toy gun that shot metal balls out at his stomach. IT WAS SO STUPID. and then this woman did ground acupuncture and that was really stupid too! said there was evil things at that part of the ground. I DUNKNOW IF SHE WAS FOR REAL. stupidest show on earth! wonder where they find all this nutheads. )

anyway, went out with oddball yest for lunch/tea/dinner. was awesomeeeeeee. talking nonsence, AND FOR THE RECORD, hokkien mee is hokkien mee. the only division is GOOD or BAD, who categorises it into WET or DRY hokkien mee?! must save my face before he blogs about my theories! will go for dinner that andrew planned tonite. then there's SERVE dinner! mingyang's coming! hope georgieporgie will be there! WHEEE(: then sat might be breakfast with wonny, then off to uncle-daddy jason's yatch, with GODPAH, wifey, yan,grace,auntycorrine, aunty on-nah, BERN!

i better start packing now.

note to self: BE NICER TO DADDY. though he ask the lamest questions.

12:11 PM

im done

Sunday, January 14, 2007

7 days more. next sunday, i'll be exactly where i was today. HMM.
bobbin left for the PITTS today! to his melon growing sch.
and he made the pilot fly zigzag. hah.
its all just starting to sink in that im leaving already!

always thought i could be brave. WOULD be brave.
didnt really know what veenbean's BE STRONG really meant.
couldnt understand why ivan said it too.

ashamed to say during fusion, cried buckets cos all the songs spoke of how GOD would be there no matter what! like yea, and then song after song, they spoke of how he's love would be the unfailing thing. SO TRUE. in aussie baby, its me and the lord, and princess (THANKGOD) who's half an hour away! yea, there was this song about miracles, and i was like thinking, DO I NEED A MIRACLE TO SURVIVE? and they sang OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD, and i dunno, maybe he just touched me! anyhow, debsdebs was really great at comforting people. really. dial 1800-quahdebwah- if u need anything!

today after service, i looked at androooey, and i was like ANDROOOOO! I"LL MISS YOU!
i really will! RHHH. how it all was last time.

LETS take a REWIND down memory lane

graciepooo. u took us when were full of teen angst. OMG. we would start talking in your class! boy were we mean! TILL TODAY I TOTALLY DONT KNOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT IN ACTS. im really sorry. i know that was the HARDEST lesson for us! dont even know what we were hearing you say. hahaha. auntie winnie and you must've had a really tough time! we always changed the subject! when u had ur lessons all planned out, we'd go one round, open our big mouths and just blab some random question, that would lead to really profound god knows how to answer questions, and that TOTALLY TOTALLY dystroyed your train of thought, or what your aims of teaching us were!

change is good- that's what they say, is it? really.

then came easter camp. planning it with ant the bestfriend and matt. OMG. and i had stage fright then, and i rmb ant saying ppl do over come it. i dunno how i did too. God's grace i guesss. (:

easter camp was a blast really, from the masss, to the late night planning, to the talking of nonsence to veen cos i was so dead tired. from laughing at matt's jokes and LAUGHING at bobin cos i thought he was so so amusing. esp the purple royal sleeping bag and his dead straight rip body. and his AH BENG SLIPPERS. and getting bullied by VEENPOPEANT. that was ultimate! the cab ride to dinner where they shush-ed me even before i could open my mouth! THANKGOD FOR LEENYBABEH! it was also durin easter camp where matt's 'bennett' got picked up by ant, and then by everyone else. just like serve. YA. but never mind. matt's cool:D

then there was the constant squeezing into anybody's car to go for lunch. everysunday! and poor drool's bear would get, UNDRESSED. and they call it the gay bear, WHATSOEVER. OH OH OH. and that odd one, keeps insisting infocom sucks, and touchee rocks. TSK, and then we'd argue over it the whole car ride!

AND THAT DAY! when the bestfriend thing started! we were all SQUEEZED in korkorpoo's car. sik was so slow she took androoey's car i think? anyway, ANT, ROBIN, NIAN, CHRIS. OMG. all of them were being mean! i was like trying to tell colleen where to go, and all of them started talking really loudly! and i couldnt here what lleen was saying! i even tried rolling down the windows! BUT I HAD TO GIVE UP THE THOUGHT OF TRYING,they were so LOUD. then oddball started picking on info com! then the arguement shifted to smth else, and ANTONIO stood up for me 0.0 cos we had the same birthday! so we became bestfriends! bestfriends forever, 'eurockmiiworld and ii rockurs or however the ahlians spell it. that was how ant pronounced it.

AND WELL. SOMETHING happened causing some madrush to have 'bestfriend argument'. SO GUO and LLENNYBABEH were bestfriends forming the apple and orange combi. DAN the most cunning man on earth, to sik, became HER best friend. and everyone, sik says looks can be deceiving and warns everyone to be weary of her deadly homie.

that was smth really crazy! :D

oh and i dunno what happened to the exclusive be nice to bennett day that smallguo proposed to ant and pope!

THEN THERE WAS THIS TIME WE WENT TO WATCH THIS HORROR SHOW. OMEN. so much for anti christ! frickin scary lar! the boy's eyes! and VEEN SLEPT THRU THE ULTRA SCARY PART! veanbean's the bestest. and that stupid pope kept laughing that i was scared by the devilish small boy.tsk.

okay, so after all the madness,ROBBBBIN and ANT LEFT )): was sadddddd and really quiet. and life was less interesting , but that brought about all the mugging sessions with drool who's like SUPER SMART, couldnt believe it at first, till he made genetics seem SO simple! got As in class! and he's super nice! and kind, and he has lousy map drawing skills! MMMMMHMM. nian and i got lost! BUT IT WAS FUN!:D

one morning during our hols, androoey brought 2 crazy kids to nus to mugg with him. we were really crazy. we did loads of funny things, and then STUPID androoey bluffed me bout GRACE! to think i still acted like an idiot helping him deny the claims that WERE TRUE!

anyway, that night on the way home, while TA-HAN-ning drool's CHEESY disney classic love songs, guo and i umm, left his BEAR bare and naked at the back of his car and his mummy confiscated it ): cos it was naked. but i thought most bears didnt wear clothes!

oct,nov came.more mugging, 16yrolds had their Os, while i went on the ship.

came back for VBC, SYC.

AND THEN BESTFRIEND CAME HOME! and ROBBBBIN too! then cranium on christmas day at ivan's was totally awesome! sik and i had a blast taking spastic shots, i was laughing at her. she would only do it if I did it, so i had to do it, so i could laugh at her. WAS WORTH IT! :D then jingyu cracked walnut!

bestfriend and i had like to compete against each other in one round of charades and I WON HIM. OF COURSE, it was due to the pope resembling some alien who was good at all these nonsence, like sculpting and guessing people's drawing and picking the RIGHT ans, just because it contained the longest statement. AND sik cant do charades man, she just makes u laugh so hard, by the time u finally catch ur breath, the other teams, like beat u flat!u all shudave seen what she was doing for JACKIE CHAN.

then there was the sleepover at my house on newyear's eve. my stupid aircon was spoilt so that was a bad thingg! but nana still wanted air con-.- so yea! if my room had been ALOT colder, i wouldve love to stay up! but it wasnt so i guesss that's why i didnt mind sleeping for 20 mins? YUPP. woke to send veeeeeeeeeen off )):

then there's also nat's bible study grouppies. i guess we've all grown alot. with prayer and petition. :) debsdebs dingdong version2 is super coool! she's been a real confidante! really awesome and sweet are you! lucas and you are the 2 CUTEST people on earth! my top 2! soph dan daff, handsome. iveee. NATTY! WE'VE ALL COME SO FAR! and WONNY. WONNY'S my rocking BUDDAYE. realleh. thanks for helping me survive! survive this fast paced crazy dancing world. BIKE RIDES. RUNS. TALKS. WHINES. SHOPPING. KILLING (u killed the crab!)DINING. CABBING. -bus. i'll miss them all! u're truly adriel wong ching chong. :) u're always there encouraging me. during worship and dance, THANKYOU! oh and what a BEAUTIFUL CAT YOU GAVE ME. and yea. MACS is HALAL. i shall go see whether they serve pork in macs down under. hah!

so much has happened in such a short time!
feels like just yesterday ant and bobin came home.

im so scared of what grades i'd get there. but ive heard it said that if you set ur heart right, thinking you're gonna overcome it, you can! and you will. i hope i can mugg like mad, ace everything like SOMEPEOPLE. im afraid too much csi, grey's anatomy, and prison break has polluted my mind! i mean the thinking process of it all! RHHHH. 3 mths of holiday! WE'RE GOING BACK TO SCH SOON. new hairdo. new home, new people, new country, new eating habits. new english. IM GONNA COME HOME AND SPEAK BETTER ENGLISH. i must! so i can OUT TALK some people.

and im planning to make a diff blog, cos my parents and cousins would wanna read about the cow's life and sometimes, too many emails make you feel sian, cos you write the same thing over and over again. driel says it should be


ive yet to decide


6:46 PM

im done

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

it feels frickin weird without min ): like my phone feels weird without a MIN popping up. the womaniser has really left us. )): but she has a ton of good photos in her cam. I MISS YOU MIN. we all do.. as yan said, all we have to think about- was the ship, and we'd cry. those were realleh good times. sitting at the sun deck, be it in the early morn, or gazing at the night sky, be it cheering u up with wine gums (: or watching u spread the nutella on your bread excitedly, be it YOU WRITING HORRIBLY in MY PRIVATE JOURNAL, or the bugging me to let you listen to- from the inside out! it was really cool eating like HUNGRY PEOPLE with you in uncle's room with auntycorrine staring at us! and all the times when we waited for our cheese to melt at the microoven! was cool borrowing stuff from each other too. mmhmm, the SHOES. and swapping mp3s.
you were an awsome listening ear, and i had a total blast staring at the sea in the rain singing testify to love! it was also really encouraging to work with you under the HOT SUN, and the 36000 bottles moving, you strong woman! and then there's the time at bookstore when we were spying on. ____ :D hahahahaaha. while we were working REALLY hard! SORRY YOUKNOWWHO:)! it wasnt fun when i tripped over that stupid SAFETY thing that holds the vans down. but it was funny when you told me that you almost fell after me! AMAZING. watching the dolphins with you was a totally awesome experience! and ive GOT this list of things i wanna do in life and one of it was stargazing with my dear friends, and im glad we got to do that with yan and grace! wasnt the sky just b e a u t i fu l. with the stars plenteous in sight! and we saw 2 falling stars! but i guess all good things must come to an end, and i really hope we get to meet doesnt matter whether aussie or spore! save me a room, in case i study in melbourne next year! ALRIGHT?? take care love!

9:43 AM

im done

Monday, January 08, 2007

i was going through all my pictures today, and i saw this picture taken when veenycooper was leaving ): so i'll just post some of the pictures taken on veen's going awayday ): . MMMHMM

RHHH. THE POPE HAS THAT SAME SMILE AS ME . OMG. he's imitation skills work! RHHHH. the meanie. - anyway,i had only a few mins of sleep that explains the mini eyes.

and in row by row from left to right sequence, onion, bestest working with the polaroid. the idiotic smirk. llenveen. with veenbean and korkorpoo. the odd one again, HANDSOME, the puma boys, and veen and joannE looking realleh cute. :D

anyway, SMALLGUO the cheapthrill dong dong- SO DID NOT OWN ME AT BATTLESHIP THAT NIGHT. by the time he sunk all my ships, he just had 2 more left. THAT'S NOT OWN-ING OKAY! and jj and nian sucked at boardgames. they were like complaining that HOTEL is a boring game, and that they didnt get to buy any hotels, when nana and i already bought one each! so we ended up sleeping during the SLEEPOVER. mmhmm, then we woke before 4 to go to the airport. MMHMM. hope ure having a blast veen! BE STRONG, though you already are. and rmb what driel says, ' that you are the man, and dont let anybody tell you otherwise.' -.-

9:29 PM

im done

ohmygosh! such beauty and splendor huh! the sky behind, show's God's grace and mercy!
like he IS so strong and mighty, yet so forgiving and loving and humble!

that's the swedish ship that has taken over the spot where doulos had docked 2 mths ago. i cant believe by tmr, it would have been 2 mths!

time flies.


1:46 AM

im done